UPDATE - FIXED: Cannot Open the Home Section On My IPad (Version 4.2.0 Updated 3 weeks ago)
AnsweredUPDATE: Well I've been doing some "tests" and what I found out is for some reason if I powered down and powered back up any of the players that fixed the issue of not being able to open the"Home" section for that player so I powered down and back up all the players. So now I can open the Home section for the players...so all I can assume is that the problem was in each player for some reason and not the controllers on my Windows Desktop, IPad or IPhone.....
So that I guess leads to another question....has anyone else had "that" problem before? Trying to remember when I had the last "player" update but one thing I just thought of that did happen yesterday when I was not home my wife told me we had a very short (a quick off and back on) power outage so maybe that was the cause....(the players were not off long enough to completely power down before correctly powering back up.....:)
Cannot open the Home section on the controller (4.2.0 Updated 3 weeks ago) on my IPad. Can open the library, players and settings. Was working earlier this week. Deleted the app and reloaded but did not fix the problem. Anyone else having the same problem? If so how did you fix it? Not having any other problems with the IPad....
PS: Having the same issue with my Windows 10 Desktop (posted the issue in the Windows section).
Official comment
Hi Greg
Answered here; https://support1.bluesound.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/18804916024855
Applies to all versions of the App - we are investigating..
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