Out of warranty service for Vault 2i




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi John

    Our team will be back in touch with you. Please do however keep in mind that the cost of repairs usually entails entire board replacement nowadays given the precision soldering required. It is often more expensive to repair electronic products than replace them.

  • jdagator

    Hard to believe frankly. I hope that you are able to see the hours the unit was used. I promise it’s less than a dozen. I have seen other documentation of the same issue and they indicated it was a capacitor. I don’t have the expertise but they indicated it was a $100 US repair?

  • Christopher William Lowe

    Hi John and Tony, I too purchased a Vault 2i less than 6 years ago, burned several CDs in the first year and now the drive has failed. It seems there is a quality issue here. I was offered to fix it with a third party or buy used Vault at 50% off.

    Chris Lowe

  • Rajesh K

    Hi All, I am in the same boat and my unit is not even 2.5 years old, seriously not impressed! Hoping under Australian Consumer Law that the company will provide a replacement but not counting my blessings at the moment.


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