Seek bar is almost unusable in Windows app! Just make it wider already!




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Thanks for the feedback Eric.

    It has been sent to our Quality Assurance team for review.

  • Splainfish

    Completely agree with all the points above.  The 'sizing' of nearly everything (fonts, bars, icons, album tiles...) is an odd mix of poorly chosen AND mixed up sizes, and rarely resizes properly when a window is sized, or even when you 'drill down' from an initial set of choices to the 'View all' option.  

    BTW this 'sizing' issue is worst in Windows but exist in IOS and Max apps too.  For just one example, the main screen on the IOS app has 5 or 6 different font sizes.  Some too big, some too small.  A choice of three used consistently would look and interface much better. 

    Like so much in this version, it appears no one with a basic design or quality responsibility reviewed and approved this as ready for release.  


  • Alain DW

    The scrollbar width and missing up/down arrows are a long standing issue now.

    This has been reported a couple of times before and is said to have been passed to development for further consideration. I'm afraid this may take some time before we see a result, if ever.


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