Powernode N330 subwoofer rumbling when turned on

Followed by 24 people



  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Jorg

    Both these issues sound like a network connection issue to your SUB-WOOFER. In the BluOS App, select Settings, Diagnostics from the Home page.

    This will bring up the POWERNODE diagnostics page. IN the list of other players, select the SUB to bring up its page and wireless signal strength indicator. If the signal strength is Weak or Poor, check out www.bluesound.com/network101 for some tips or tricks to troubleshoot it.

    You can also select Settings, Send Support Request to send our Support Crew a copy of the diagnostics and have us troubleshoot further.

  • Jorg de Bie

    Hi Tony,
    Thanks for getting back to me so soon.
    The sub is connected to the amp via a wired connection to the subwoofer-output on the amp. So a networking error to the subwoofer can be ruled out.
    Do you have other suggestions what the problem might be?

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Replace the cable - if the cable replacement does not resolve it, please send us the log as suggested.

  • Soul Man

    Make sure the cable and connections are clean and free from oxidation. Unplug from source and subwoofer. Turn off unit and leave it off for at least 30 seconds. If that doesn’t work, replace cable and try again.

  • Tomas de swaaf

    This is a major issue with the powernode. Same problem here. Replaced everything. Support employee Said it has to do with the power supply of the powernode that lags to the amp out. Waste of money so far. Check issue Support Request #374085 and request #371756 saying bluesound has no solution for this 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Tomas

    Thanks for the feedback - that is not quite what was said. If you are still having issues, please again send an updated log file.

  • Tomas de swaaf

    Hi Tony, please read the ticket. I copied the tekst below.

    Hello Tomas,

    Thank you for contacting the Bluesound Support Crew.

    Unfortunately, these are currently our only alternatives. However, rest assured that we will forward this request to our Quality Assurance Team and the BluOS Development Lab for their consideration as a future update. We are constantly working to improve the experience based on customer feedback and sincerely appreciate it.

    Thanks for #LivingHiFi.

    The Bluesound Support Crew

  • Tomas de swaaf

    The alternative is disable the sleep function so the Powernode will be turend on 24/7. Beside the fact it will warm up it will shorten the life cycle….

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Unfortunately, these are currently our only alternatives. However, rest assured that we will forward this request to our Quality Assurance Team and the BluOS Development Lab

    It takes time to find root causes of some software issues - rest assured Chris has in fact spoken with our team here and is aware. By continuing to send updated requests and cause scenarios this helps our teams here find what is causing the issue and solve it faster.

    Thanks for understanding...

    Beside the fact it will warm up it will shorten the life cycle….

    We are confident it will not shorten the life cycle of the product and do consider this a temporary workaround

  • Jason Startt

    I'm have the exact same issue.  It only started a week or two ago.  I've been running it for over almost 2 years with no problems.  I have a wired connection to my subwoofer and when the Powernode comes out of sleep-mode it sends a rumbling to my subwoofer for about 10-15 seconds, before resuming normal operation.  Any ideas for how to fix this?  Is it a SW issue with the latest update (I'm up to date).

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Jason

    As I mentioned above, Vacation Mode is not an on/off switch. Your POWERNODE is designed to be always on and always ready but will enter a standby mode on its own. Please do not put your POWERNODE in Vacation Mode.

  • I also have the same problem - when the Powernode wakes up after stand-by my SVS SB 200Pro subwoofer makes a rumbling noise (the driver on the sub is moving back and forth) for about 10 seconds and the stops. 

    To make things worse this could also happen when no music/TV is playing - suddenly the subwoofer start to rumble in the middle of the night.

    I really hope that Bluesound could fix this issue

  • Tobias Hubert

    I have exactly the same behaviour with a Dali sub e12f connected to a Powernode n330. Everytime the powernode wakes up from stand-by mode (not vacation mode) it sends a terrible noise to the sub, which is quite annoying. After 10 to 15 seconds the noise slowly disappears and the sub sounds as expected. Cannot imagine that this is a normal and intended behaviour. By the way, I did the latest update to 4.2.6... but nothing changed on that issue.

  • Jason Startt

    I have an SVS SB-4000 Subwoofer.  I've never had any issues with my PowerNode until now.  As far as I know, I have never used "Vacation Mode" (I will check).   All of a sudden, in the last month, I'm getting a 10-15 second rumbling in my subwoofer while the Powernode "warms up".  This seems to be happening to multiple users (per this thread) so it certainly looks like it could be a software issue.  Please advise.

  • I have the exact same issue. I cannot tell exactly when it started, maybe 6 months ago. But at first it happened very intermittently, so I thought it was a wifi problem with certain devices. But when I looked into it, it is the exact problem mentioned in this thread. Now, it is happening basically every time the Powernode is awaken to play music. I have a B&W ASW608 sub attached via cable. This is very annoying. 

    Another workaround is to go back to connecting the sub through the high-level input (I use my system only for music). I did that initially when I got the Powernode and it worked well, but I was worried about both sub and Powernode longevity. And the cabling was a mess.

  • I also started a post in the Bluesound Fans FB-group and the respons was that this is a well known problem with the Powernode. Apparently the subwoofer output us to low, only 1.1 volts. Bluesound, please respond how to fix this

  • Max Martin

    I have the exact same issue with my Powernode connected to a wired sub, have reached out to support but nothing useful yet  It looks like for one user this issue was resolved with a repair: https://support1.bluesound.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/10577080933271-Powernode-N330-subwoofer-noise

    "Problems have been solved. There was an issue with the subwoofer out connector on the powernode, got a replacement powernode and now everything works as expected.

    Andy advice Tony W ?

  • Same issue for me as of lately. Was fine almost a year and now I don't even want to use it.
    Svs micro 3000 sub keeps humming and rumbling. I can usually stop it with an input change or reboot.
    Powernode with sub wired, checked all cables.

  • Bluesound support answered that this was a hardware fault within the Powernode and the unit should be returned to my dealer. My Powernode is now being repaired at my dealer. Keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out fine.

  • Andreasth

    Exactly the same issue for me... My sub start to rumble in the middle of the night and also when it start up after stand by. Please help! Have bought at the hifiklubben, sweden

  • Hifiklubben will help you. They have a three year warranty if you are a member.

  • Jason Startt

    My situation has gotten worse.  Before, whenever I would wake up the PowerNode, my subwoofer would rumble for about 20 seconds and then dissipate.  Now, every time I change inputs, the subwoofer rumbles for about 20 seconds.  It's starting to feel like a hardware issue now.  I will enter a trouble ticket with BlueSound when I have time.

  • I've been waiting a week and a half for a response to this issue....

    Bluesound support is ignoring me and I suspect they will continue to do so as my unit is over a year old :(

    Right now I have completely stopped listening to music with the Powernode

  • Edo

    I have been going back and forth with the support team about a phantom signal that makes the sub lose control for about 20 seconds mid music. They say they have been able to reproduce in their lab and it may be fixed in a future update. Until then I am using a line output converter (I bought the PAC SNI 35 for about $20), it works great, no more rumbling. I hope the issue can be fixed through an update.

  • Rasmus Eneman

    I've also started to have this issue since a week back

  • Koen Verstralen

    I too have this issue. Dali E-9F sub wired to Subwoofer out. Issue started occurring recently, when the amp switches on, and decays after a couple seconds. It progressed and now the decay seems to take longer. The sub out also started popping when changing sources, or even when pausing and starting content on TV through HDMI eArc. The rumble re-occurs even when already turned on, but changing sources.
    This is my 3rd Powernode N330. 
    Edit: called my local hifi dealer (Hifi Klubben) and they let me know that the Bluesound rep notified them they are aware and working on a resolution and that it's likely a software issue. Let's hope new firmware update comes soon to fix this.

  • Koen Verstralen

    Bumping this to top, as there is no resolution yet. Issue is getting worse for me.

    Rumbling used to occur only when the amp came out of standy. Disabled standby on the amp.Now the rumbling will start to occur while watching tv through eARC input as well. Intermittenly comes back, usually after pausing and restarting the tv.
    Sub out also pops when changing source or play/pause.
    This is my 3d Powernode N330 with issues. First two were replaced within a day, this one isn't a year old.
    Hifi dealer says BluSound rep confirmed it's a software issue and they are working on it, but last update is over 4 months old. Comon guys!

  • mb5000

    Raised this issue under #402085 as well. Laggy support on the problem over a hefty period only for the rep to say it was a known issue for which they're hoping a firmware issue will resolve it. Here's the meat of the response:


    "My investigation was focused on ensuring that you are experiencing the known issue with your POWERNODE.  If your issue was unique, there may have been other options we could pursue.  I would have felt awful to leave you with a solvable issue.  I do apologize for the time this took.
    However, this is something that we have been working to resolve.  Replacing your POWERNODE will not be a solution.  This is something we are working to improve in a future firmware update.
    I hope this helps clarify.
    Kind regards,
    Jade L.
    Support Crew Analyst


    I've opened a follow up on the issue as there have been at least 2 firmware releases since and none have addressed the reported problem.

    @Tony W, what's the score pal? In all honesty, are we waiting in vain for a fix?

  • Koen Verstralen

    Since my last post, there have been 2 firmware updates that didnt fix the issue for me. I have brought my powernode in to my dealer (hifi Klubben) who RMA'd it for me. Unit came back with a repair bill saying:
    "capacitators" in the article description under warranty and a note from the workshop saying:
    "SUBW out modiffied. Tested OK."
    Not replaced, modiffied. That implies this is not a firmware issue at all (or maybe it is a firmware fix to prevent it, but not to fix it if already existing), but a hardware fix. Unit is now working fine. Still slight pop when the Source changes or the Codec on the streamer changes, but much less noticable, and it doesn't happen anymore when I play/pause over eArc either. Subwoofer rumble completely fixed.

  • Paul Altomare

    Just another customer here with the same thumping sound looking for a solution. Started about 3 months ago. I've since changed to the high level input on my REL connecting it to the main speaker terminals instead of the sub-out. So far, no thumping but I'm not able to use the SUB controls of the Powernode.


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