Android App v4(.03) feedback and suggestions

Followed by 3 people



  • Official comment
    Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    Thank you for the feedback. I've escalated your feedback to a support ticket. We will reach out to you shortly.

    Thanks for #LivingHiFi

  • Chris Tyas

    The third Powernode 2 to fail catastrophically out of warranty is now confirmed as uneconomical to repair. 

    As previously I'm offered a replacement open box G3 unit for £500. I buy an £800 piece of kit and have to pay £500 to replace it within three years. I really hope the latest gen kit is more reliable..

    Interesting to note that the above negative comments (with constructive feedback and suggestions) were very quickly responded to and 'escalated' and that the positive upvotes were removed by Bluesound. This forum is a great resource and appreciated but Companies should face their issues and not try to hide or minimise them. If Bluesound have issues with any of my criticism of the app or the hardware let's have an open conversation about it, I've been asking for that with regard the main two issues I describe for months now.


  • Bjørn Ulvik

    Interesting to note that the above negative comments (with constructive feedback and suggestions) were very quickly responded to and 'escalated' and that the positive upvotes were removed by Bluesound.

    Bluesound did not remove the positive upvotes. I did. I first gave you an upvote, but after you edited the post, I gave you a downvote. Simple as that.

  • Chris Tyas

    Ok, interesting to know what part of the edit changed your view of my post from positive to negative..?



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