Node X solid red light, now shutting down




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    HI Tilvantil

    Remove the power conditioner. Plug it straight into street power.

    If the problems persist or return, please select Settings, Send Support Request in the BluOS App so our Support Crew may take a closer look.

  • David Levine

    Did this ever get resolved and if so, what was the fix? I sold my 2i recently to upgrade to the x and have experienced the same issues out of the box.

  • David Levine

    So USB out only works on certain devices? That sucks, pardon my glibness. I’ve used a cellphone with a usb adapter and it played just fine through the Prima. Unsure why that wouldn’t natively be possible for my current setup. As far as tidal, it’s not lag it’s about the node not showing as a connect device

  • Seppi Evans

    Your DAC wants a computer attached to USB with drivers installed, better ask the manufacturer why or if they have any new firmware to get over this limitation.

  • David Levine

    I spoke with Prima Luna and they stated that all streamers are compatible. The blurb in the manual is specifically for a computer input scenario but that is a one off. Their team stated to get with the streamer team to work out the issue because all inputs on the Prima are designed compatible out of the box with the exception of a few computer systems which need a driver

  • Seppi Evans

    The PrimaLuna Evo 100 DAC converts USB to S/PDIF so you may as well use Optical out.

    Saw you posted about this nine months ago so follow up the support ticket you raised at the time for clarification.


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