Library Scan Mismatch Between Players




  • Official comment
    Bjørn Ulvik

    After rebuilding/reindexing, databases will (should) be replicated between players. I've had that issue once, due to a large library, and the player(s) ran out of internal memory/storage. Indexing went well, but databases could not be replicated.

    I could partially fix it by rebooting affected player(s) after indexing. They would then have "enough" memory after a reboot.

    I ended up moving a lot of my library to another share.

    Help -> Send support request would probably be your best option.

  • Carl

    A little update, thanks to BJØRN's post above, I unplugged the Node N130, left it off for a couple of minutes, plugged it back in, carried out a Rebuild Index and we're back to normal.


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