

  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Thanks for your patience Road Stones as I see you have an open request with The Support Crew. They will be in touch via e-mail soon but we are seeing a higher than normal volume of calls.

    They will be happy to walk you through troubleshooting your library.

  • Road Stones

    What does walk me through mean, years in the making of my folders and seems to be all gone, Anyways to go back to the older software, as i have tried everything the you have answered in the threads, nothing working and see no one else having any resolution...If I factory reset will I lose my music, is it still there?

  • Seppi Evans

    Factory resetting does not delete the tracks in a Vault, it will however delete any Bluesound playlists and presets. Playlists can be backed up to a USB memory stick.

  • Thomas Casagranda

    Have Bluesound not heard that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it? I am unable to play back any music in my library.

  • Thomas Casagranda

    I am, furthermore, seriously giving thought to returning the BlueSound Vault & Nad M10 to the shop I purchased them from, as an absurd 4.02 upgrade has caused nothing but problems


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