Managing the Play Queue
Hi again, (made a new post since no one reads older posts). I have just installed the newest update (after BluOS4), but sad to see that nothing has changed in regard to the 'Play Queue/file player' it still has the two tabs, one for 'Now Playing' and one for 'Play Queue'.
This has to be changed to how it was on BluOS 3, where you could fastforward and change song on the same page/window. This layout is unbearable.
The way it is now I have to go/toggle back and forth, back and forth all the time between the two tabs/windows. It is terrible.
Please fix this, thank you.
Official comment
Sorry John but we read everything even if you do re-post - it's actually waaay easier for us to track issues if you DON'T create multiple posts.
Thanks for understanding.
Hi sir,
Ok, it's just not easy to know if some read my request, when the person don't reply :)
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Also, what genius decided to make the Play Queue reset everytime I click another song in my library, this is also something that killed the ease of use on my NODE2i, this is completely unacceptable.
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