Skins, color schemes, layouts for BluOs controllers
AnsweredWe are in section Feature requests, so I can ask for new features. Here it is:
- possibility to change color scheme (black, white, grey, red, blue (could be fitting well :), etc.
- skinning, even if sounds crazy users can be very creative and deliver many nice user interfaces (skins) for BluOS controllers on Windows, Android or iOS: icons, fonts, layouts...
- different layouts to enable change font size, menu and bars placement, hiding options or presets.
Official comment
Thanks for the feedback - this is not on our horizon and honestly I don't expect it to be so on anytime soon.
It has been passed on to our Brand Management Team as we review all feedback our consumers provide.
I certainly would like a feature like your point 3. This would give me a layout that is simple, effective without too much clutter. What I mean is this:
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