How to prevent the bluos 4 upgrade and also disable the notification?

Followed by 4 people



  • Official comment
    LD Williams

    Disable automatic updates on your phone. Do every update manually

  • edward

    Look under Settings--->User Interface-->Disable New Interface

  • Alain DW

    You can delay firmware updates by clicking on "delay 24 hours".

    Controller updates can be avoided too by clicking "no" on the popup.

    Bluesound is working 24/7 to resolve the issues, so updating when a new version becomes available might not be a bad idea.

  • b s

    I am using PC version. How to totally prevent update and disable the annoying pop up? Delaying 24 hours is useless as bluesound could not fix a simple issue even after one month and no updates.

    For Version 3 even after so many version are still so buggy with a lot of issues. I don't have to even think of updating it until they make it stable which will takes decades seeing at the rate they are doing now. Good luck to those who update. Happy spending most time of the time fixing the issue, restarting and keep sending logs to bluesound with nothing done.

    I had 3 bluesound devices gen1 and it had so much issue that 90 percent of the time i am fixing and troubleshooting the device 90 percent of the time. I thought i was because of the first gen issue. Now I know that it is the issue bluesound company itself. My friend had Sonos gen 1 and still working fine even now. All my bluesound devices spoilt after 1 year.

  • Andrew White

    It would be nice if they had the previous level of firmware staged somewhere. The only level available is the current level. I'd like to revert back if possible since I'm pretty sure I have no hardware or environmental issues.

    My main issue is with my Vault2i internal storage access mostly for the Samba shares.

  • Chris H

    @B S. and others who are interested in disabling the auto update popup from the BluOS client. I spent some time monitoring my TCP connections and found that that BluOS connects to 19 different IP addresses (at least on my windows system). One of these IP addresses was much different than the others and it's timing seemed accurate when the popup would occur (

    I setup a windows firewall rule on the outbound connections to block this IP address for all applications. (although you could limit the block to just the Blue OS controller if desired).

    You may also use this script in windows PowerShell (from an elevated Admin login)

    New-NetFirewallRule -RemoteAddress -DisplayName "Block BluOS AutoUpdate Check" -Direction outbound -Profile Any -Action Block

    Alternatively you may also be able to block this in your windows host file by invalidating this IP address.

    You could also block this IP address from your router if you have the ability within your router settings.

    I hope this helps. Once they released the 4.0 updates I complained and asked for the old version back and they refused. I was lucky that someone on another forum provided it to me and I am running version again. I found that the updated ver 4.0 removed Single/EP's within Tidal searches which was unacceptable to me.

    Warning, when I tried blocking other IP addresses I did notice adverse effects such as art work graphics not loading correctly. I will likely look into blocking more IP's to keep them from running as many analytics on me as an end user. I oddly did not find any issues blocking all WAN access and still having playback to tidal as this is a "remote" to the BluOS box so if you do not want any Art and other features within the BluOS remote you could also just block all WAN access to the app as well.

    Good luck fellow music listeners.


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