Streaming sound from a browser to a Powernode via Airplay

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  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Fabut

    Please try streaming from your MacMini by redirecting Audio this way;

    BluOS 4.0 is using the latest newly implemented AirPlay SDK from Apple. Please also ensure your Mac is up to date.

  • Fabaut

    Thanks, but this didn't solve the issue.

  • Fabaut

    This, neither, unfortunately. But thanks for your help and effort.

    If you try to stream that website on a BluOS device, is it working?

  • Fabaut

    @Tony W. Of course I know all the process; I'm currently using Roon and/or BluOS 4.0, both with great satisfaction. But... I'd like to stream audio from videos embedded in some website from my browser, and I can't. Probably is a Sonoma MacOS issue, idk. I've been able for years, but now I'm not able anymore. 

     Previously I was able "to watch" from my browser (Chrome or Firefox) while "listenig" from my Powernode 2i or Nad C368 or Pulse Flex 2i speakers. Now this is possible (from YT) only if I'm using Safari. But with some websites, like the national Italian television one, RAI, it's impossible, with any browser.



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