After updating to 4.0: Pulse Sub+ craps out while playing music and things get out of sync




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Thanks for the Log files Bodi - our Support Crew will be in touch.

  • Jiří Hotárek

    To Bodi > I have quite similar problem. I also have to disable/enable SUB+ to get things working again. But not for long. My players are very soon completely out of sync.

  • Bodi

    This is good to know thank you.

    Today a Flex 2i suddenly disconnected and when that happens, the SUB+ craps out too. After power cycling the Flex 2i the SUB+ came back again.

  • Bodi

    SUB+ crapped out again, taking the 2 rears (flex 2i and puls m) with it. So only the Soundbar+ was playing music. Had to disable/enable SUB to get the rears working again.

  • Bodi

    And now I heard a clear "click" indicating that the SUB+ just goes into standby or something. WHILE playing music!

    5 minutes later, no (noticable) click, but SUB+ is down again and rears are not in sync anymore.

  • Bodi

    So I just got word from support that the engineering team can replicate this issue but that support doesn't know the timeline when things gets fixed. They recommend hardwiring the players until this is fixed. This issue is caused by 4.0 guys! I'm not going to pull ethernet cables to my players.

    This issue is really annoying guys... same with my other long standing issue, the audio dropouts which support can also replicate but can't fix in 9 months already... My setup is getting worse and worse... this is not about a nagging GUI issue, this is about CORE functionality not working cuorrectly. is it too much to ask for a system that can just PLAY sound without hiccups or devices getting out of sync or just crap out?


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