Adding Spotify playlist as preset adds the previous playlist




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Jacco

    1. Creating a preset from a Spotify Playlist is limited by the Spotify Connect model so the behaviour you are seeing is a limitation of the Spotify SDK - but something we are aware of and spoken to them about.

    2. When you AirPlay, you are receiving the volume of the iPhone so if the volume of your content is different it will adjust to the newer volume.

    3. Yes - when grouped the Play/Pause will act as a mute (and blink blue) so if you want to temporarily stop the music in the room you are in (say to answer the phone) but not disturb others in other rooms from continuing to enjoy the tunes.

  • Jacco van Koot

    Thank you for your answer Tony.
    I can understand the problem with Spotify. I noticed BluOs 4.0 is coming in October: are there any options for integration with music services (like Sonos has with their app) so it's possible to search for music in Spotify in the BluOs app?

    As for the problem with pausing/muting: is there a toggle or something similar coming to choose the behavior of the pause button? In my situation, and I image lots of people more since I saw more posts about this, I want to use it as a pause button. When I pause my speaker in the kitchen to make a phonecall to use your example, I need to pause the speaker in the living room as well since these are connected rooms.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Jacco

    Spotify has no plans to change its standard universally adopted Spotify Connect method. Many have found they receive more flexibility using the Spotify App itself. Neither Bluesound nor Spotfiy have any plans to change this with 4.0 or for the foreseeable future.

    As for the Play/Pause functionality, you will have to Pause using the Now Playing Screen as you cannot alter the Play/Pause button's functionality.

  • Jacco van Koot

    Hi Tony,

    Since Sonos has integrated Spotify and it works like a charm it’s certainly not impossible to get it working. I’m considering Tidal for better quality of music but still.

    In my opinion it’s weird that a button with a universal know functionality changes when speakers are grouped.

    Anyway, good to know that there aren’t any changed planned and thanks again for your answers!

  • Waiio W.

    Hi Jacco, can you please share what the workaround is for the issue of ADDING SPOTIFY PLAYLIST AS PRESET ADDS THE PREVIOUS PLAYLIST. I am also experiencing this exact problem.

  • Jacco van Koot

    Hi Waiio W., sorry for the late reply. I got it working by:

    1. Setting up my playlist as I want it to be saved to a preset
    2. Playing another playlist
    3. Saving the preset
    4. Changing the name of the preset

    4. is needed because the saved preset gets the name of the current playlist while the playlist that is actually saved is the previous one.


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