Listening to turntable through bluetooth headphones




  • Official comment
    Seppi Evans

    First off make sure your amplifier or turntable has a phono stage, obviously not familiar with your amplifier but the rec (tape) outs should be live and will be fine connecting to the Node’s input.

    If you have a separate phono amp or one built into the turntable then you can connect directly to the Node without issue.

    Bluesound actually sell a device called the HUB for this very purpose, it includes a phono pre amp and lets you site the HUB and turntable wherever you like.

  • Si Haaar

    Thanks for the quick reply! Yes I have a phono preamp. My plan was to connect turntable > phono preamp > amp, then from the amp's rec out ports to the node, then transmit to Bluetooth headphones from the node. If I do this, how is volume controlled? At the moment I have the node set at 'fixed volume', but would I have to change this to control the headphones? Thanks, Si

  • Seppi Evans

    The record outs on your amp, they need to be variable and thus adjusted by the amplifiers volume control. You may have to experiment as what you are doing is quite complex.


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