BluOS interface is very poor




  • Official comment
    Seppi Evans

    The integrated music services are built on the music services terms and what they provide, suggest you also contact Tidal and ask them to provide a richer API that BluOS can use.

  • Deniel

    @Seppi Evans so Roon Hase access to "richer API" from Tidal?

    C'mon don't blame Tidal four your's laziness!!

  • Seppi Evans


    First off stop the ad hominem attacks, address the post and not the poster. This is a community forum and like you I am a user and not employed by Bluesound.

    Bluesound was started 10 years ago, before Roon and would have had access to the API at the given time, so yes they absolutely would have different API’s.

    Streaming services make the decision on what hardware and features they want implemented. Pretty much on their terms. For a fact I know that one streaming services API presents differently in you are in America or the UK.

    When released by Tidal Bluesound was the first company to offer MQA streams. They implemented Tidal Connect for the very reason to give users the full Tidal Interface by using the Tidal App allowing the BluOS player to make a direct connection to the Tidal servers and playback at the highest resolution a track is available in.

    Roon is not the BluOS App, it is a very different animal and furthermore requires additional hardware and with a very large upfront sum of money or $150 each and every year to maintain the software. I am sure Bluesound would love to charge this but let’s not give them any ideas please.

    At this point If you want a richer Tidal interface then use the Tidal app along with the connect function. I do actually take time and email the music streaming services about missing albums, artists and function, takes as much time as posting here.

  • Deniel

    Sorry I saw Official comment badge and though you work for BlueSound.

    Yes, BlueSound was in many things first and BlueOS is not that bad but I could be at least near perfect if just BlueSound cared to read this community posts and work on things that matters to this community.

    I know Roon subscription and having "home server" is expensive cuz I use it that's why I advocate for users who unfortunately can't experience it to be able to experience similar experience in BluOS. And also if BluOS has old API from Tidal why not requesting a new one, same for Qobuz ( for example missing Alphabetic sorting of my albums )? 

    Thankfully there is BluOS 4.0. coming soon that will hopefully fix allot of annoyances that people currently has with BluOS.


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