Bluesound Node / Apple Music hitches




  • Official comment
    Seppi Evans

    I would suggest that after the next issue use the BluOS App and select Help…Send Support Requst. This way the Bluesound support crew get a copy of the logs.

    Sometimes simple things help such as powering off the NODE and whilst off power-cycle the Router, give the Router five mins to be fully up and running before powering on the NODE.

    Do also make sure your iPhone is fully up to date as Airplay and HomeKit keep being broken by Apple during updates but it’s hard to pinpoint down the issues.

  • Kees de Man

    Thank you for your fast reply, Seppi. I will do as you suggest.

  • Adrien Kaulmann

    Hi Kees

    May I add that routers do have occasional minor wifi and internet drop-outs, generally unperceivable when surfing and gaming. To avoid this, each device on my router can be set to « Internet use prioritized » or « prioritized for real-time applications ». Thus the router will try to avoid such interruptions for the defined devices, probably increasing the buffer too. Ever since I chose this option, I didn’t have any more drop-outs.

    Not sure if it works for you, but it may be worth a try.

    Kind regards

  • Kees de Man

    Thanks Adrien! I will certainly try this. Much appreciated. Regards, Kees.


  • Kees de Man

    Hi Adrien, after looking into your suggestion in more detail, I found that my router (an Experia Box v10, provided by my service supplier, KPN) does not offer this option. This is unfortunate as to me this seems like an option which many users can benefit from, not only for streaming music, but for many applications. Anyway, thank you once more! Rgds, Kees.

  • Adrien Kaulmann

    Hi Kees,

    Indeed, I do have a Fritzbox and set this option, when it comes to watching TV or listening to music. Every router needs a little time for self-administration and that is what can cause those issues, but not necessarily either.

    Are you only using streaming services or can you make a try with some music stored on any of your devices?

    I hope you have had a response from Bluesound and that everything works well now.

    If not you may try to switch off any eco-mode on your router.

    Further you can connect your speaker directly to your computer or NAS, making sure the router is not involved. If problems persist, you are at least sure your router isn’t at the source or your problem and have to look around for another cause.

    If everything works fine on your computer, I would reconnect to router and check without wifi and without internet access. If adding wifi leads to the problems or you cannot perform tests on a computer, check the frequency band your wifi transmits and choose a channel where there are not so many other users/neighbours, eventually switching your Wifi from 5Ghz to 2,4Ghz or the other way round. I have the impression that 2,4Ghz is more stable.
    If this doesn’t help, I would check whether you there are other appliances in your home working on close-by frequencies of your Wifi network, even if not connected to your Wifi. BluoS i.e. stops when I use the microwave (not connected), also the wired speakers. The connected Dishwashers do not interfere.

    Kind regards

  • Seppi Evans

    Sorry but this is very much like a Chat GPT response and not helpful as the OP has issue with a NODE and not “speakers” and connecting directly involves a lot of configuration on the computer side especially as the computer would need two network interfaces running.


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