Node 2i Excessive DNS Requests to AWS

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I've escalated your feedback to a support ticket. A member of our support team will reach out to you soon.
Thanks for #LivingHiFi -
I also have a Node 2i doing the same thing - it's making constant DNS queries to Amazon AWS - a quarte of a MILLION in one day! Please advise
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Bluesound support advised the following:
"Along with this, we've seen from your diagnostic log for your player that it is standing on a signal strength of -66 dBm.
Bluesound players will start noticing hiccups and unexpected issues at around -60 dBm, and users of the EU wireless spectrum can even expect to add about -5 dBm to their estimation."I had a spare port on an ethernet switch in the same room as the Node2i... after hard wiring the Node2i to the switch, the excessive DNS queries stopped. In my case, the Node2i was in the same position for more than 18 months with no previous issues - no excessive traffic and no playback or streaming issues, until one day, there were.
They also suggested the following:
"The issue you are seeing is not firmware related - it may however be caused by an error with the network device table of your router. A network power reset should resolve this.
A router reset tends to clear the DNS request codes you receive."In my case, all of the DNS queries were being answered successfully (as depicted in the original screenshots above) - it didn't seem to me that it could be a routing issue as every request from the Node2i was answered, yet the device kept requesting.
Anyway, hard wiring it resolved my problem. I'd prefer to remain on wifi, but this is fine for now.
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