Pulse Flex and Node 2 are not working anymore

Followed by 2 people



  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Gertjan

    Your App is not communicating with the Players likely due to a network collision or network traffic. Please reboot your router, wait 5 minutes, reboot your player, wait 5 more minutes then relaunch the App. If problems persist or return, please e-mail support@bluesound.com.

  • Thanks Tony,

    the PulseFlex is already working again, after I disconnected the Node 2, because of the blue light (trying to reconnect?) which was continuously turned on. So the two players  were 'ungrouped'. Tomorrow I'll try  the same with the Node 2, without the PulseFlex. Maybe the Node 2 has a problem, causing a not properly working group. 

    Gertjan Withagen, The Netherlands

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Your NODE and its power supply are designed to be always on and always ready and meet EU requirements as an eco-friendly network appliance. It will go into a low-level stand-by if idle for 15 minutes. If the LED is bothersome, you can disable it in the Settings menu under Player.

  • Hi Tony,

    Tonight I found out that the Pulse Flex is working fine now, when it's the only player that's connected. I followed your instructions, also by starting up the Node 2 (as the only player), but when I tried this player it doesn't want to connect. The light stays blue after starting up (first red and different lights, as usual). So what  can be wrong with the Node 2?
    Kind regards,
    Gertjan Withagen

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