Blue sound Node 2i and Rotel Michi Connection
I have a new Blue sound node 2i and Michi X3 and want to stream hifi music from Tidal. I have the premium account for master tracks and have connected the Blue sound with a optical cable. Question I have is do I enable the Blue sound DAC or enable the "MQA external DAC" option in the settings menu?
I have tried both options and when I use the Blue sound DAC the Michi displays 96khz signal on the front panel, when I switch to "MQA external DAC" playing the same track I only get a 44khz signal?
What is the better quality DAC to play music from? One would think the Michi.....? Or is the Blue Sound doing something different?
FYI - I tried analog and the digital connection sounded better.....
Are there any 196khz tracks that I can try? I have only seen 96khz so far from Tidal..
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