connecting Node2i with a mobile phone in another wifi network
AnsweredIn the working wifi network (which I can't interfere with) I tried Node2i, after switching on it is set to receive, the blue LED is lit. I'm looking for Node2i on my mobile via the BluOs app, but unfortunately I can't find anything, it's still searching. Tested with two different mobile phones, wifi set up and working. At home the connection via wifi is OK. Is there anything else you need to set up somewhere? A fixed network connection to Node2i cannot be performed. I can solve everything via mobile.
Thanks in advance for your response.
Pavel Bláha - Czech Republic
Official comment
Hi Pavel
Speak with your Network Administrator - like most IoT devices, Bluesoudn Players require Multicast enabled on consumer-grade networks and cannot be accessed outside of the immediate network as we do not have a cloud intgeration.
Thanks, I won't solve it this way. I tried, with a colleague via his mobile, which has free data from his operator, a connection via Hotspot. Nevertheless, it also found nothing in BluOs. Isn't there a network restriction?
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