Node X - proper headphone output specs?

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  • Official comment
    Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    I have forwarded your feedback to our engineering team. They will test and measure the headphone output for the NODE X. Please keep an eye out for the spec sheet of the NODE X and we will publish it once we are done with the testing.

    Thanks for #LivingHiFi

  • Bluey

    Hello? Engineering? Its nice to add a proper headamp for Node X but serious head-fi users need to know proper specs. Some of us have hard to drive cans

  • Bluey

    Thanks @Mart T.

    That's great to hear. The headphone amp is the main feature of Node X so if Bluesound want to attrack serious head-fi users, need more details about the headphone amp performance


  • sherlock holmes

    It's been a month, and I've seen no update in regards to the "Please keep an eye out for the spec sheet of the NODE X and we will publish it once we are done with the testing." I would so love to purchase the Node X ASAP; however, I will not do so until I can confirm that this thing will drive with ease and quality my 300ohm impedance headphones. I really don't have the time to do my own research on this, so I really do need the Bluesound experts to guide me in this, if they want me to buy a product at a $700+ price point. Thanks.

  • LD Williams

    In there specs now it shows -

    HP Continuous Output Power (THD<0.1%)

    100mW, 16Ω

    130mW, 32Ω

    17mW, 250Ω

    11mW, 600Ω

    HP SNR (-3 with respect to clipping, 32Ω)


    Is that going to be powerful enough to drive planar headphones ?

    Headphone Distortion
    THD+N, 0.002%

  • LD Williams


  • Bluey

    Looks like they've used the THX 'mobile' amp.... For low power mobiles, tablets, laptops.

    For an AC powered unit like Node X, should have really used the more powerful THX amp.

    I am glad I asked because a lot of people assumed it would be the >1W output THX AAA tech.


    Such a great opportunity missed


  • LD Williams

    @Bluey and yet I have a pair of Audio-technica ATH-M50BT2 and using them wired there is enough power to me.
    Their specs are =

    Frequency Response    15 - 28,000 Hz
    Sensitivity    99 dB/mW
    Impedance    38 ohms

    I'm new to this mostly so use small words to explain if I have got the wrong end of the stick please?

  • Bluey

    If the sensitivity is truely 99dB for 1mW of power, you are fine.

    And if you don't run out of volume, you are fine.

    Have a look at Audio Science Review who reviews and measurements headphones and actually measures the real sensitivity of headphones with state of the art GRAS measurement rig.

    Sometimes manufacturers lie about specs (speaker sensitivity is a classic), so I like seeing 3rd party 'verification' measurements.


  • LD Williams

    i was using them as a comparison.

    I'm looking at getting the Hifiman XS, whose specs look similar -
    Frequency range: 8Hz – 50kHz.
    Impedance: 18 Ohms (nominal)
    Sensitivity: 93db/mW.
    They should be powered okay?

  • Bluey

    See if you can find any sensitivity measurements for that headphones.

    Also depends on how loud we each listen to.

    But if 93dB per 1mW is real, should be ok. 

    Best if you can do some kind of free trial obviously, to make sure you are happy, with zero risk.

  • LD Williams

    I have a Topping DX3 Pro + Bluetooth 5.0 Headphone Amplifier LDAC Audio Decoder DSD512 DAC, specs

    1800 mW×2@32Ω, 900mW×2@64Ω, 250mW×2@300Ω

    Could I connect that to the Node X  and use the amp from that to power the headphones?

  • Bluey

    Yes your Topping is a great headphone amp - excess power to most of our needs, but low noise and distortion.

    Feed Node X into the Topping

    But the Node X can probably still drive very efficient headphones well enough

    The THX stuff is low noise and distortion.

    Since you have both, try both and report back on sound quality !

  • LD Williams

    As I am a complete newbie, what would be the best way to connect the Node X to the topping?
    Output from the Node X headphone socket?
    And then into which of the Toppings inputs please?

  • Bluey

    Digital coax cable from Node X to your Topping's Coax 1 input



  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    ...if you choose to use the Topping DAC - or RCA out to use the ESS Sabre DAC in the NODE X. We encourage you to try both then let your ears decide which you prefer.

  • Bluey

    The Topping DAC is unquestionably better:

    Use Node X's digital output, to feed Topping digital input


  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Thanks Bluey

    We are very aware of third-party sites such as ASR and others. We also refrain from commenting on them as we are also big believers in creating the best sonic experience but have found there are multiple factors in doing this. Many of those are out of our control. It is why we remain objective and give consumers the option to decide based on their preferences, conditions and tastes.

    The difference between "too bright" or "just right" and "it's thumping" or "I'm jumping" really comes down to the one who is listening. 

  • LD Williams

    I can't use the coax out, connecting that up bypasses the Node's DAC
    "Connecting via the Coax Out will bypass the NODE X’s internal DAC."

    I have the choice of RCA out or headphone out as the others are being used

  • Bluey

    You cannot connect Node X analogue outputs to your Topping... it has no analogue inputs...

    Anyway have a listen and decide with your ears I guess.


  • LD Williams

    Optical splitter?

  • Bluey

    Why splitter? Why not just normal optical cable?

    Anyway even an optical cable will be like using digital coax - you would bypass Node X DAC


  • LD Williams

    Yeah :( 
    Feels limiting to have to disable the internal DAC for just about every output but analogue (could be displaying my ignorance there?)
    Does the USB A Only output to another DAC and not an amp?

  • LD Williams

    Well if worst comes to worst, I can always bluetooth the Node X to the Topping, as I've done it and the

    ath-m50xbt2 headphones worked ok

  • Bluey

    Using Node X just for bluetooth output would be the absolute biggest backwards step

    You lose lossless transmission- and your worry about not using Node X DAC is still applicable as bluetooth is a LOSSY digital transmission

    Stick to Node X headphone out OR digital coax between Node X and Topping

    Don't try bluetooth or connection analogue to the Topping - you will break something

  • LD Williams

    It would have to be use the node x or Bluesound, as anyrhing else either stops the DAC use (digital coax, optical) and the Topping can't have analogue input

  • Bluey

    Yes my point is your idea of bluetooth is even worse than using digital coax or toslink

  • LD Williams

    Loos like it will have to be either the nodes headphone amp is powerful enough, or get a better headphone amp? 

  • Bluey

    Well you already have a better DAC and amp with your Topping

    Topping and SMSL have pure analogue headphone amps

  • LD Williams

    Yes their SP400 looks very good 


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