BluSound app switches off




  • Official comment
    Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    It seems that the problem might be related to the way you are connecting to your Bluesound device. If you are using Bluetooth to connect to the device, it is important to note that you will not be able to use BluOS features. BluOS is a streaming platform that requires a Wi-Fi connection to work properly. If you want to access the full range of features offered by your Bluesound device, we recommend that you connect your device to your Wi-Fi network and stream your music through the BluOS app.

    To connect your Bluesound device to your Wi-Fi network, please follow these steps:

    1. Download and install the BluOS app on your mobile device or computer.
    2. Connect your Bluesound device to power and turn it on.
    3. Open the BluOS app and follow the on-screen instructions to set up your device and connect it to your Wi-Fi network.
    4. Once your device is connected to your Wi-Fi network, you can start streaming your music through the BluOS app and enjoy all the features and benefits of the platform.

    Here's a quick youtube video of how to use BluOS software -

    Thanks for #LivingHiFi

  • Solomon van Blokland

    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    I have indeed set up my device exactly how you state here, and I stream music via Wifi via my BluOS app. 
    That said, if I open my phone while streaming the music stops every time, the track goes back to the beginning. The same if I open my phone, turn on music and then open an app; the music often stops too. Alternatively, I can buy a cheap mobile phone and use it to stream via the BluOS app, but that can't be the intention, right? 

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    HI Solomon

    Something is not right here. As a result, I have escalated your issue to our Support Crew who can provide more offline troubleshooting. They will be in touch via e-mail


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