When NordVPN is connected I dont see my player Nad M10




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Poupin

    BluOS does not support VPNs. When running a Virtual Private Network, the IP Address of your PC is masking its IP address so other network devices cannot see your origin and therefore communicate with you. This includes any device on the masking computer's network such as BluOS Players. This is how VPNs work by design.

  • Ken

    Did you turn on the "invisibility on lan" option?  Turning it off may help.

  • Arnold

    Nordvpn on my devices. Have to pause it to work properly with Qobus with 4.0. When will this be solved?

  • tatimikenyc

    Using a VPN is pretty commonplace, especially for security and privacy reasons. When will this be solved? "Not supported" is not an answer nor a solution.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    When you use a VPN - you are virtually changing the network of the device the VPN is installed. This is also designed to be random in general. BluOS requires your App and your Players to be on the same network for mDNS reasons. This cannot be done if your App is being assigned a random network IP and would have to come down to the security software you are using and cannot possibly be controlled in BluOS.

    Look at your security solution to allow your host VPN to allow for local traffic OR look into a VPN solution that is not on your local host but on your router or gateway. These are available but not as cost effective.

    Thanks for understanding.

  • Pinot Gris

    Depending on the features of your VPN there is a third method, besides the two already mentioned by Tony: split tunneling.

    All three methods work perfectly fine with BluOS on the two different VPNs I use.

    The only thing I do not recommend is putting the BluOS device itself behind a VPN, as most internet music services do not function very smoothly over a VPN connection.


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