Deleting From Play List and Queue




  • Official comment
    Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    To edit a playlist in BluOS, please follow the steps below:

    1. Clear the play queue to ensure that you are not adding or deleting tracks from the wrong playlist.
    2. Load the playlist that you would like to edit from the playlist menu.
    3. Select the track that you would like to delete from the playlist.
    4. Once the track is selected, depending on your BluOS controller, you can slide to delete (IOS) or press the 3 dots to open suboptions to delete the track.
    5. Save the edited playlist with the same playlist name to ensure that the changes are applied to the existing playlist.

    We hope that these steps help you to edit your playlists in BluOS. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Don Riddle

    Yes, the steps you describe are what I’ve been doing, and it’s laborious.  It would be helpful to have the option of deleting an album in addition to track delete.

  • Saad Khan

    This is the exact issue I am having as well. I am surprised this has existed for years and they have not implemented a function to DISABLE Play Queue. I wrote this message to support as well just now:

    "Please give an option to completely disable Play Queue and let us play a CD, with repeat turned on, as one CD. Or a playlist, with repeat turned on, just the playlist repeating. 
    It makes no sense that after the last song on the album/CD, the next song up is the first one in the play queue list. I could be listening to Nine Inch Nails for a bit and then switch to Frank Sinatra, only to come back to NIN once Sinatra's last track has played. This is a mood killer.

    Please allow us to play our lists like a CD in the good old days. After the last song on the album/playlist plays, Repeat should restart that Playlist or CD.

    Also the shuffle function only works for the Play Queue list. Shuffle should only work for within the album/playlist you're playing. Again, I select an album to play and hit shuffle but only the songs in the Play Queue get shuffled.

    I don't understand the logic at all. Can you explain a few good reasons why we're forced to use the Play Queue? I have to clear it every time I switch artist or playlist. It is annoying. I have three Bluesound devices, dropped nearly $1500 and frankly sick and tired of the way repeat, shuffle and play queue work"


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