Apple Music Classical March 28




  • Official comment
    Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    We appreciate your interest in our product and understand the importance of this feature to our users.

    Please be assured that our developers and quality assurance teams are aware of this request and are working diligently to explore all possible options for integrating Apple Music with BluOS. We recognize the importance of providing our customers with a seamless and convenient user experience, and we are committed to delivering on this promise.

    We will continue to update our customers on any developments regarding the integration of Apple Music with BluOS. In the meantime, we encourage you to explore the many other streaming options available through BluOS and to enjoy the superior audio quality and performance that our product provides.

    Thank you again for your support and feedback. We value your input and look forward to continuing to serve you in the future.

    Thanks for #LivingHiFi

  • Ken

    I second KriHad's original comment/request. The upcoming Apple Music Classical app is a separate entity and would be a great addition to Bluesound. The difficulty would be access to the special features, such as the deep-dives into specific works, commissioned portraits, and in-depth commentary on composers and their works. Those would still have to be accessed using their app. But if Bluesound could integrate the music side of it and include the full catalog, that would be great.

    The other problem is if they require having Apple hardware to access it. I do not have any Apple hardware, and am loath to switch just for this service. It's coming out only in iOS 15.4 or greater at first, with Android coming "soon." No mention of Windows support. But I hope Bluesound can find a way to add this somehow.

  • Arno van der Heijden

    Today, I had the opportunity to try out Apple Classical music, and I can verify that using Airplay with my NAD C 658 BluOs streamer isn't viable. The audio experiences stuttering and occasional interruptions.

    Therefore, I echo KriHad's initial comment and request for an integration into the BluOS software as soon as possible.


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