playing from qobuz app to Bluesound Node




  • Official comment
    Seppi Evans

    To use Qobuz at its best quality you do need to use the BluOS app, otherwise you will be limited to Airplay. If Bluesound devices are missing from Airplay then you need to to remove them from HomeKit, factory reset the Bluesound devices (loosing all settings) and then NOT add them back to HomeKit. iOS 16.4 will supposedly have the fix as this is something Apple broke.

    Qobuz are working on a “connect” function that will let you stream directly from the Qobuz App to a streamer. This may be some way off and once released then they would need to allow Bluesound to use this function, then there would be software development involved.

  • William Heyward

    I believe that the other disadvantage of streaming from Qobuz instead of using the bluOS app (besides the limitation in resoution on apple devices other than macbooks)  is that the DAC in the device that is running Qobuz is used instead of the DAC in the bluesound device.  correct?

  • Seppi Evans

    It will still use the DAC in the Bluesound device.

  • Ramesh Kumar

    Any update on this? Does streaming from an iPhone to a Bluesound Node N130 now support lossless/hires audio ? I suppose the music services on BlueOS through Qobus as the streaming service does ?

  • Seppi Evans

    Qobuz have yet to release anything, correct using integrated Qobuz service will give you the highest audio quality.

  • Ramesh Kumar

    Thank for the prompt update. Much appreciated


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