Share Already Configured error + other Mac issues

Followed by 4 people



  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi David

    In the BluOS App, please select Help, Send Support Request so our Support Crew can review your player log file and identify why you are having this issue, 

  • David Kreisberg

    Hi David, if we start with the simple things… 

    This is not a Bluesound issue, rather a networking issue in general and if you can connect to the share using another computer then you would be on the road to success.

    I have no problem connecting my Mac laptop to the folders that the NODE is unable to connect to. The folders mounted before my problems started and after. I can open files on the shares, as well as copy to and from the folders. My IOS devices can also access the folders (using PLEX and iTunes) as well as Apple TV. The only device than can't reliably connect is the NODE. If every other device connects other than the Node, I suspect that the Node and its software are the issue.

    Plex is different as its local to the Mac and can find the drives / content easily.

    I can connect to the PLEX server on my iMac on my network with laptops, IOS devices, and Apple Tvs. It works on my local network just fine. I rarely connect to them locally on the server.

    Ensure the name (as in networking preferences) of the Mac is simple and short, nothing other than alphanumeric, no dashes symbols and I emphasise short like… “computer”

    My Mac name is NEWIMAC. That seems to be appropriate.

    Using the IP address is good methodology but also ensure that the IP address is reserved in the router, otherwise after a power cut / router reboot the IP address will change. 

    Understood. The NODE is not connecting to it at all - it is not an issue of the IP address changing after a reboot.

    Next permissions.. removing them and adding again often help, as does creating a “BluOS” user, make it easy and give the BluOS user Admin rights and a simple password. Basically remove what you have done and recreate with a new user.

    Happy to try again. I've done this before with NODE tech support and it didn't resolve the problem.

    I would recommend you purchase a NAS

    I suppose buying another product to make the NODE work might be some kind of a solution, but I find it hard to believe that the manufacturers of the NODE think that buying another product is required to make their product work. If I buy another piece of hardware to stream music files on the network it will be a different DAC/streamer that is more reliable and also fully supports USB attached drives.




  • David Kreisberg

    Every device on my network uses WI-FI. 

  • David Kreisberg

    I understand that you are not a Bluesound employee and appreciate your help in resolving the issues. I apologize if my frustration is showing too much. 


  • Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    Hi David,

    I don't see any recent support request from you. In this case, I will escalate your feedback to a support ticket. A member of our support team will reach out to you as soon as possible.

    Thanks for #LivingHiFi


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