Pulse P300
AnsweredFollowed by 2 people
I have a P300 1 gen. and since a few weeks it interrupts his signal maybe a 100 times a day but usually reconnects. Always for a period between 10 and 30 seconds. i wonder if the wifi receiver in the device could be the cause ? Could it be that a the wifi receiver detoriates over time and should be replaced if it can be done all together. If so what would be the cost because for the moment i don't want a new device since mine has all functions i need.
Official comment
HI Peter
The most likely cause is Wi-Fi interference.
Reboot your router, wait 5 minutes, and reboot the PULSE. If problems persist then please select Help, Send Support Request in the App so our Support Crewmay review the log file and take a closer look.
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