Outdoor rated Soundbar+ and BSP/PSB surrounds?




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Have you considered two POWERNODEs, 1 for the front and 1 for the rear? Set them up in a sheltered space and run speaker cable to outdoor PSB Speakers? You won't get ATMOS but you will bet DOLBY that way.

    Your authorised BluOS and PSB Speaker Dealer will be happy to assist here.

  • John Locke

    I’ve considered all of Lenbrook’s offerings previously. Am I correct in interpreting your response to be that there is no planned outdoor-rated sound bar with Atmos, or some other Atmos-forward solution? I need to know as construction begins soon and I will install other products if nothing is on the horizon in the fairly near future.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    I’ve considered all of Lenbrook’s offerings previously

    Glad to hear you are looking at NAD Electronics' full AV Receiver options in conjunction with PSB Speaker's outdoor speaker options as well to truly install what you need and want. Most Bluesound Dealers are also NAD and PSB dealers as well and will be happy to get you pointed in the right direction.

  • John Locke

    OK I give up. This didn’t answer my question at all. Please get training soon on effective support. Based on dozens and dozens of responses you’ve posted, your tone and unwillingness to acknowledge customer’s feelings is doing enormous brand damage. Enormous.

    Support after the sale is the fourth pillar of the sales cycle. This fourth pillar is totally broken at Lenbrook. Thanks to your non- answer I’ll move forward with your competitors instead and am now considering moving on altogether.

    Horrible support - worst I’ve seen at any consumer electronics company. I bet your dealerships complain constantly too. You sell a lot of product outside the stealerships. Support it!!!


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