Samsung TV and Powernode edge does not work
AnsweredFollowed by 2 people
I’ve connected my Samsung TV via the HDMI arc port with my new powernode edge. However, no sound. I briefly succeeded earlier today, but I’m unclear how I managed. After turning off the tv and later turned on again, no sound. Somehow the edge does not see the tv as a source. Advise please
Have you checked you have activated HDMI ARC input in the APP. Even if "auto" activated my experience is the Powernode don't "feel" the signal from a Samsung TV. Also check the CEC Anynet+ is active on the TV. But be aware Samsung can be a real nightmare in connection with Powernode or SONOS as it seems the Samsung CEC setting don't act as it should. A lot of articles on this. Sadly Samsung don't fixe the issues.
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