Multiplayer Group Source Selection



  • Official comment
    Bjørn Ulvik

    Have you tried ad hoc grouping using the Plus and Minus signs in the Controller or app?
    You can then control volume on each player individually if needed.
    Your Node with input source connected need to be the primary player.

  • Phil W

    Yes, unfortunately, that does not get me what I want. I want to be able to go around to any controller, and change the volume on all the other controllers at once. This way I would have to go from room to room to adjust the volumes individually, which is way too cumbersome. I like the way it works with multiplayer fixed groups, where any node will adjust the volume on every node at the same time and same volume, but I then can not change sources from one node to the next without completely deleting the fixed group and making a whole new one.

  • Bjørn Ulvik

    As said, volume can be controlled individually or for the group. Using a phone, volume up/down will be controlling the grouped volume. Open the app to control individual, or use the touch buttons on the player.

  • Phil W

    Thanks but the selling point for me is the display and controls on the node, I don't carry a phone around with me in my house, and it takes way to long to mute or change volume, when a phone rings, finding my cell phone, starting it up, connecting to wifii and opening the app, way too cumbersome and slow.


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