


  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Mario

    Thanks for the feedback about Di.FM. I have forwarded it to our QA Team for future consideration. In the interim, don't forget you can pair your handheld's bluetooth to Bluesound's BT Input and listen and group to Di.FM through your whole home.

  • Lucas Doran

    I am also interested in this. I understand it's a less popular streaming service and they also don't stream lossless, but there seems to be plenty of streaming services supported by Bluesound that are not lossless.



  • Cedmue

    i'm also interested in a full integration.

    meanwhile you can import each di.fm channel you like via the tune in integration (by adding a custom url to your favorites)

    the channel url can be found on your di.fm settings page.

    the feature to add custom urls only works in the desktop app of bluos, not on mobile

  • Oskar Andersson

    I came here wanting to enable DI playback through my Bluesound device. Cedmue's post got me on the right track, but I wanted to leave something more complete behind for the next that seeks information on how to accomplish this. (see for example this https://support1.bluesound.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360029229314-Please-add-support-for-DI-FM-Digitally-Imported-)

    1. Log in to your di.fm page
    2. Go to "Player Settings" on the settings page.  
    3. Scroll down to "HARDWARE PLAYER SETTINGS"
    4. Select your channel in the dropdown
    5. The link that appears - copy it into clipboard

    Now start the BluOS Controller (the windows app in my case - downloaded from this page https://www.bluesound.com/downloads/). I assume that you have already successfully paired the Controller app with your Bluesound device...

    1. Click TuneIn in the left side
    2. Click favorites
    3. Click "Add custom station"
    4. In the name field, enter "DI.FM [your channel name]"
    5. In the link field, paste your copied link
    6. Save

    Once you save, you have to navigate back out of the favorites - and then back in again- to get the Controller app to reload this newly created entry. Reenter favorites, and you should now see your newly created item - click it and it should start playing.

  • Cedmue

    Any updates on this integration? You must know that this is not only about di.fm - the service behind di.fm includes other stations like radiotunes.com, jazzradio.com, classicalradio.com, rockradio.com

    All in all a couple of hundred senders witch very specific genres. I basically listen to nothing else than these stations.

    It would be really awesome if bluesound could integrate this music provider into bluOS since the workaround is not that convenient.

    Many thanks, cedmue

  • Tony Day

    I would also like this!


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