Tidal Playlists in Bluesound App




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Denis

    TIDAL Playlists may take a few minutes to replicate from TIDAL to BluOS. If however, you see it is taking longer than normal, simply log out of TIDAL in the Music Services Menu. Select Help, Diagnostics, Reboot. Once your player has rebooted, please log back into TIDAL to reset and update all settings.

  • Denis Buob

    Hi Tony

    Thanks for your reply.

    I followed your suggestion: still the same situation.

    Maybe I should add, that I own 3 players (2 nodes, one PulseFlex2i all running on v 3.20.25). I rebooted all 3 players before logging back into TIDAL.


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