
23 Kommentare

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    Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    The development team is aware of this request and has been passed to them for future update consideration.

    Thanks for #LivingHiFi

  • Korvenwin

    I would like to see this info too.

  • Invenio

    As would I.

  • Joe

    This display is probably what all customers want.
    Unfortunately, Bluesound does not care about customer requests.

    It only says: "We'll pass it on to the development department...". 
    Then you hear nothing more. 

  • Joe

    Regarding the above response from Mark T.

    This describes exactly my statement. I have been a BS customer for 3 years now.... Since 2019 the statement is: ... we forward it to the development department. 
    Happened in this direction: NOTHING! 

  • Aliaxandr

    As everyone can see, according Mr. Mark T. response they aware of this typical request and wish from customers. But nothing happens and the development department does nothing at the request of customers for many years (as said Mr. Joe - for more than 3 years no any movement on this request). This is a very poor approach to clients and a complete disregard for requests for program improvement. Although, fulfilling the desire of many customers and making the request a reality is not a very difficult task for professional people from developing department.

  • Korvenwin

    I've just bought a Bluesound Node and I'm start thinking to return it. It is a wonderfull device but for me, the support is very important.

    As seen for your comments this is not the case with Bluesound. Something so basic like the Last.FM support is ignored for years as I can see in other request.

    I'm going to seek others streamers. :(

  • Aliaxandr

    Dear Mr. KORVENWIN

    I’m sorry to hear this. But I fully agree with you. Customers supports and requests very important. Ignoring it will cause Bluesound to loose the market of streamers.

  • krang

    Please return your stuff if you can and/or update to other vendors.
    There are many issues that are still standing for four years+ with the same answer over and over. This is the worst experience for customer support and community building I have seen in quite some time. Especially given the fact that their software has a lot more potential to easily stay ahead of competitors. Unused potential though.

  • Joshua Leasure

    FWIW, I have no interest in seeing depth and rate info anywhere except maybe, possibly, on the display of an external DAC. My NODE is for the common/family areas and I'd like it to be as clean as possible.

  • Aliaxandr

    Joshua Leasure : I do not use external DAC and would like to see depth/rate inside BluOS program on my iOS or MacOS devices.

  • Invenio

    @Joshua Leasure

    The node does not have an external display so you would only see it in the app.  For example, instead of the "CD" displayed, it would say 16bit/44khz instead.

  • Joshua Leasure

    I get it, I'm just sharing that I have no interest as a counter example to Joe saying that this is "probably what all customers want".

    I don't think that's accurate at all - not for this line of products. I don't think there's much crossover between the Bluesound customer base and RME-type DAC owners.

  • Invenio

    Well, the more info we have about what is playing the better.  If that info doesn't matter to you, then of course that is ok and doesn't detract from the function of the Node.  However, many people would like that info and thus it benefits them.  Other players (like the WiiM) give this info so BlueOS should really consider keeping up with the competition.

  • joe

    I don't need a bitrate display on the device either, since it's much too small. It's just a matter of having a display in the app, as is implemented by almost all other providers.
    Only BS should be so honest to say - No, we can not or we do not want that.
    If that is not feasible / possible, the Bluesound parts are just sold. There are plenty of other providers, whether now cheaper and more expensive.
    I have no problem with this at all.



  • Brett Sears

    Yet another vote for this feature please, especially as I am trying to figure out exactly what file size/type I'm listening to as I navigate all of the possible streaming subscription options.

  • Matt S.
    Brand Manager

    Hi guys, just a quick note to let you know this is being worked on as part of a larger app overhaul. You should start to see news about it a little bit into the new year.

  • Invenio

    Very good news.

    I can't stress how important it is to listen to your customer base and implement desired features.  Look forward to the app update.

  • Aliaxandr

    Wow 🤩. It’s great news. Hope to see it soon and enjoy music 😉👍

  • JG.B.

    Great news that Bluesound keeps on moving on. Many thanks!

  • krang

    Wow, very happy that this (very minor) feature is included after only very few people asked for two? months.

    Hoped this would happen for the multiple groups per speaker issue raised four years ago :D

  • Joe


    Wow, maybe had a clown for breakfast?



  • BluOSfan

    @Matt S, so good to hear Bluesound is working to overhaul the app, it's about time because both Wiim and Volumio have these features already if Bluesound wants to compete.

    Does this mean the enhanced info display will be available for NAD M10 devices as well, as I have posted here: https://support1.bluesound.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/12159376217111-Poor-or-Lack-of-Bit-Depth-Sampling-Rate-Bit-Rate-on-NAD-M10-V2-


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