Fixed groups: each device only in one group? Not usable separately anymore? No separate volume control?

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    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Yes - a FIXED group is a group that will always appear as a single player such as Stereo Paired FLEXes, a Home Theatre Group or two sets of players used in a Great room (say a C700 in your Living Room and a mini in your Dining Room which are open concept).

    FIXED groups are permanent (I will never break this group) groups. You want standard grouping based don't the needs you describe above to easily add and remove players for your needs.

  • chris S

    Yeah, seems like I had some strange expectations here ;-)

    Luckily I only have 2 devices at the moment, and for that standard grouping works pretty good. But I wonder how fixed groups would work out form me If I had more devices....

    Anyways, it seems that if I would buy a Pulse Sub+ there is a special way of binding the sub to the amp, not via standard groups, which would also sync the sub activation with the according setting of the amp (if I understand the manual correctly). I hope I can test that out in some weeks.


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