Problems with drop-outs using AMAZON or TIDAL - Read this!



2 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Our Support Crew often also recommends CloudFlare to EU and Asian-based consumers...

  • donald24

    I tested the Cloudflare service as well, but I had drop-outs after one day here in Germany on Telekom-network using AM HD.

    This is a complex problem that is totally dependant on geographic network-infrastructure plus your providers infrastructure (to make things more complex)

    Cloudflare is not using ECS but is using other measures for geographical detection. That might work for one, but there's no easy solution for everyone.

    I think there's a lazyness of the big music services to enhance proper infrastructure automatism on their own including the APIs, which has now to be solved on the network layer - meaning implementers and users.

    I wonder, how Spotify will perform once they start lossless....


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