
2 Kommentare

  • Boerkoel Tjarco

    Ye, well.. using TuneIn would mean that two sides have to be maintained. Otherwise home automation could just send the url. Stream URL is mentioned in the project (paragraph "/play")


  • Boerkoel Tjarco

    There has been a post which dis not come through somehow (topic not updated) but I would like to share it anyway:

    You're on the right track. The BluOS API is very simple. If "http://SomeStream.com" is the URI of a stream and "" is your player IP you'd paste this into your browser:

    I have just bought a NAD BluOS capable device last week and like you I was bothered that the Android app does not allow you to make a list of Internet radio stations. I made my own streaming station preset loader. It's very simle and still rudimentary.

    You can download it from here: https://github.com/IgorRidanovic/MyBluRadio


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