Bluesound vault 2 with Roon: shared network



6 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Sam R.

    Hello Antoine, 

    Roon and the Roon forums might be able to help you a little better with this, but from what I understand with Roon it treats the Vault as a NAS (which it technically is).

    So you should be able to point to the Vault's contents/ripped CDs as a Network Share, using the \\IP_ADDRESS\Music path (if a username is needed, use Guest (no password) ). 

    Sam R.

  • antoine mazurie

    Thanks! This is exactly the information I was looking for. 


  • antoine mazurie

    I have tried with my IP address (IPv4) but it doesn't work. Any idea of what I could miss? 

  • Sam R.

    Are you using the IP Address for the Vault from under Help > Diagnostics in the BluOS app?

  • antoine mazurie

    Thanks, it works perfectly!

  • Davoren Chick

    I appreciate this explanation. It took me a while to find it though, using up a full week of my free trial. It would be great if there was a true user's guide that walked you through this, without all the jargon. I'm fairly tech savvy  but I have found this audio setup has required more sleuthing than expected.


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