
19 Kommentare

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    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Francesco

    Check your metadata in the AIFF files. AIFF has no defacto standard like WAV files. I would use a product like Kid3 to resolve these legacy non-standard formats.

    Also in compilations, make sure your Album Artist tags match for each and every song on the Album.

  • Francesco Mallamo

    I need to order my tracks ata my choice, despite different file types.

  • Francesco Mallamo

    Album artist tag is "various artists" for all files in my compilations.

    I did a lot of test using kid3. In any case the track order has changed. Could you give me some hint about bluos and tag? Maybe im missing something? Kid3 let me manage v1 and v2 tag wich one i have to edit?

    By now I came to the conclusion that the program orders for file extension first (aiff first, then m4a and finally mp3)

  • Francesco Mallamo

    errata corrige: aiff files are compared to loseless m4a. Both they appear with the cd icon in bluos app. They are ordered first than mp3 files. So bluos order cd quality files first, following their correct sequence, and then mp3. Could you make some test please? So you can confirm it's a bluos behaviour and not my fault. 

  • Francesco Mallamo

    If  convert aiff and mp4 files to mp3, the track order becomes correct. So I become more and more convinced it's a bluos behaviour/bug.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Kid3 let me manage v1 and v2 tag wich one i have to edit?

    Please ensure your v1 tags of AIFF files match your iTunes M4A files Disc Number and Track number tags match.

  • Francesco Mallamo

    I did other testes. No way to change track order. Please verify bluos behaviour in case of albums with different file types mp3 and m4a (or aiff).

  • Francesco Mallamo

    I would like to say that I use other non-apple players like the kann a&k and I have no sorting problem.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Francesco

    After the changes I have suggested, please select Help, Diagnostics, Rebuild Index. Once The Index Rebuild completes check your library. If the files are not correct after that, please select Help, Send Support Request so we may help troubleshoot further.


  • Francesco Mallamo

    I've tried to rebuild index too. I did extensive tests without being able to change tracks order. I am convinced there is a problem with the program as the m4a files are always placed before the mp3s. I sent a support request.

  • Francesco Mallamo

    Dear Mr. Tony I noticed that you took care of my support tickets. Thank you.

    I apologize for the many emails, but the answers ended up in spam. I thought I had no answer.

    By the way all your additional information didn't solve my problem.

    As I said I believe that my problem depends on a software bug.

    I would like to understand if my request has been passed to some developers or this software behavior will remain an unsolved bug.

    Thank you.

  • Dan Gravell

    Are you saying that, for any given album, you have one copy in MP3, and one in (say) M4A (MP4), in the same folder?

    If that's the case, how would you expect the tracks to be ordered?

  • Bjørn Ulvik

    Hi, I believe Francesco is right this being a bug.

    Album 2, same files but removed all iTunes tag

  • Bjørn Ulvik

    *.m4a are sorted first because they don't have "leading zeroes" to track#.
    The above screenshot of "album11" is sorted like this:

    Adding "leading zeroes" and discnumber (not sure if this one is needed) will make the sorting right.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Thanks for this detailed breakdown Bjorn.

    I have passed this along to Quality Assurance to investigate...

  • Francesco Mallamo

    Hi, there are some updates?

  • Francesco Mallamo

    any news?

  • Francesco Mallamo

    @Bjørn Ulvik how did u manage to add leading zeros to aiff and m4a files? My editors erase the leading zeros while saving files.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Francesco - please see my response to your duplicate post here; https://support1.bluesound.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/1500001294722/comments/4407154381463


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