How to display sample rate, bit depth, and file type on all controllers?


46 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Music Lovah

    The information is readily available for those who want to know it ;

    In our experience most have asked we don't clutter the display...


  • Music Lovah

    Thank you. I tried it on the Windows desktop app and I do not have Technical Info as one of the context menu items. I have Info, but that only brings up the info about the album being played (history, background, musicians etc.) along with a picture of the cover.

    I'm using Windows App: 3.4.7 BluOS: 3.4.20 (could not cut and paste, typed it here hopefully without errors). I always accept all updates for the app and player immediately.


    Is there somewhere to look so I can figure out why the context menu item isn't available? I tried in both the play queue and on individual songs in an album which were not in the play queue.





  • Music Lovah

    When playing from Tidal, I have Info but not Technical info in the context menu. When playing from Deezer, I don't even have the Info item available, Only Favorite, Add to Playlist, and Delete from Play Queue.

  • Joe Vanderkooy

    Technical info not showing up for me either....BluOS Controller....IMAC...


  • Kevin Bateman

    I do not have a context menu beside the tracks in the play queue in Mac OS. I do have a context menu beside the tracks on the iPad, but "Technical Info" is not a choice. How do I access the Technical Info?

  • Vincent van der Leun

    A while ago I, too, was looking for this and couldn't find it.

    FWIW personally I had expected to find this info included in the - well - "Info" option in the context menu.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    On the PC it's Right Click or Cmd Click depending on your OS Flavour...

  • Kevin Bateman

    No...there is no "Technical Info" option when using Cmd Click on Mac OS. There is "Info" but that does not provide the technical information.

  • Joe Vanderkooy

    With additional investigation, we have discovered the TECHNICAL INFO is only available when you are playing tracks from your Library or Hard Drive. It will NOT work wwhen you are streaming from Tidal. Correct? 

  • Music Lovah

    This doesn't help, and neither do the colored icons. They are much too vague to be useful. That it's more than 48KHz doesn't tell me much. I want to see exactly what the file is.


    Please, make this info available. And we should not have to click anything. There should be a UI option to show it at all times, or suppress it for those who don't want to see it.

  • sltslde


    Some months later the problem is still there: on the current BlueSound mobile application (on Android, the 7th of April 2020 used with a Bluesound Node 2i), there's no way to display the detailed format information of the music streamed (MP3 128kbps ? MP3 320 kbps ? FLAC 16 bits 1411 kbps ? etc).

    For example, for Deezer, an "Hifi" icon is displayed but we don't know if it's just because we have an "Hifi" subscription or because it is really what is streamed, and anyway it is not precise enough.

    Is it planned to allow the user to display the format details of the music which is currently streamed (by touching the icon for example) ?

    Is there a ticket on your side, and if yes, for when is it planned to be released?



  • Adam Brosgall

    I agree with the OP. In fact, everyone I know who has a bluesound node 2i wants the technical info for each song fully displayed for every song as it plays.

    No one is worried about ‘clutter’! Please add this info ASAP.

  • sltslde

    It would not add any "clutter" since the icon is already here. Just add the possibility to click on it to display details.


  • Adam Brosgall

    Exactly! Would be a huge improvement, and it seems to be pretty standard on many comparable streamers and DACs. Hope they are paying attention.

  • Rick Payne

    I just received a Node 2 from Amazon to try out and this is something that I expected to be present.  When playing the first song I started looking for the tech information.  This is a big miss from BlueSound. 

  • Ismail

    Any update on this? Or just fall on deaf ears?

  • Luis

    I have signed up just to ask for it to go live.

  • AXR

    These guys are the most unresponsive bunch I have ever seen

  • Paul M

    I also expected to see this feature on a £500 streamer. Can we at least have a statement on this?

  • Urfi Ahmad

    I just got the Node 2i and was expecting to see this but am disappointed that it’s not available.

  • Mplankm

    I own a Node (2021) and obviously there is no way to show bitrate or frequency also now, as long as I can see… it is a big improvement that we need, given that we pay for hi res streaming and we want to check what we get

  • YT Won

    Where is Technical Info?

    Technical Info showing when only play local file.

    We want show when play tidal and other Music service.

    Display sample rate and bit depth is basic of the music app.

    Many users want display sample rate and bit depth but why not update app?


  • KB

    Need this sorted please - Node 130

  • Deniel

    Bluesound, pleas for God's sake add technical info in App.
    I wanna know what sample rates and bit depth my streamer/amp is getting from Tidal, HDM, and Optical.

    "In our experience most have asked we don't clutter the display..." is not a valid excuse, you guys are outsourcing BlueOS to NAD for $4999 AMP/Streamer and I can't see tech info from an app? C'mon!!!

    Also, this feature can be optional with a switch to turn it on or off from the settings 

  • Paul M

    Support team, can we have some input on this please as there is an obvious demand for this feature. Thanks

  • Deniel

    @Paul M

    Unfortunately, I think the issue is that they care more about soundbar/smart-speaker customers than audiophiles.

  • Music Lovah

    Well, when I read the Bluesound marketing materials they say they cater to audiophiles. It just doesn't seem to be the case.


    I do not believe the assertion that customers don't want to see the technical specs, that it is considered clutter. But even if that were true, there could be a UI option to show it all the time, or never show it.


    So Bluesound people, how about it? We have been asking for this for three years already. Thank you.

  • Vadim

    I would like to raise the issue again: the official response from Tony W from 3 years ago suggests that we can access technical info for songs from streaming services, but like many here I do not see that option for streamed songs. It's a very basic feature, is there a way to access it?

  • Антон Нечеухин

    The same question, how to choose the FLAC in Deezer using Blue sound Node 2?

  • Music Lovah

    You can't choose FLAC with Deezer. If you have the hifi plan you get CD quality, or whatever they have.


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