Switching to another (outdoor) wifi network



7 Kommentare

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    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Mark

    Bluesound Players can only remember one SSID at a time. You can change the network without resetting it every time by selecting Settings, Player Wi-Fi and entering new credentials. 

    Keep in mind your Local Library will not work but streaming, bluetooth and AirPlay (if a 2i) will work fine.

  • Mark0712

    I hope this is a feature considered for the future by bluesound. Shouldn’t be too complicated to remember more wifi networks with credentials and search-connect to strongest one.

    Especially for portable device like the flex this makes sense, right !


  • Mark0712

    Indeed switching network with adding the credentials each time (password of applicable network) works. But man , is this the stone age? Just remember the last x number of networks with the passwords would make sense for pulse flex ( portable device). 

  • Scott

    As far as I can tell searching the knowledge base, if you switch to a new WiFi network, as I'm doing now while upgrading my router, you need to do a factory reset.  The reset process is a major pain and then you need to reset all your presets and other settings.  I concur with the stone age comment.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Scott

    The player should time out after 5 minutes and return to Solid Green LED indicating it is in Hotspot mode. You can also select FORCE HOTSPOT from Help, Diagnostics before you switch your router. If the SSID, Security and Password remain the same on the new router as the old, Bluesound Players should reconnect with zero changes after disconnecting and reconnecting power.


  • Rory Sharp

    I asked a very similar question back in July but with the Bluesound Pulse 2i, and got a similar unhelpful response. I too use my speaker in different locations that have different SSIDs and having to constantly re-enter the WiFi credentials when I change locations is ridiculous. Especially if I forget to enable hotspot mode before I move to the new location.

    It appears that Bluesound are incapable of implementing such a feature whereby the device will remember a short number or recently used networks.

    Also, another response was that the Pulse 2i was not designed to be portable... So why has it got a carry handle built into it? Hey ho.

  • Boerkoel Tjarco

    Ale you kidding me? Talking about stone ages, you'll be able to have outdoor and indoor with same SSID (move WITHIN an user environment, not move BETWEEN user environments). One network with the same SSID hardwired or by a mesh network, that's not that hard. Even network latency isn't an issue anymore these days.

    And what if you got overlapping networks? You would probably also want to fix to one network and the day after you need auto roaming? Your request does not make sense.

    I think it's a good job that Bluesound is focusing on Quality audio and less on user.configuration / experience, perhaps you had to go for Sonos.


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