Memorize last Audio Source after returning from Deep Standy / Power off
BeantwortetPlease add a feature that memorizes the last played audio source after returning from 'deep' standby or power off.
Currently the devices default to the last album that was played but if the last source was a preset from "My Presets", e.g. a Radio Station, that station is not memorized after the devices return from power off.
This is complicated during daily use. On an ordinary radio, you wouldn't want to search the last station each time you switch it on, either.
Thanks for your understanding.
Offizieller Kommentar
Thanks for the feedback Manfred.
I have passed it along to our software development team for future consideration.
You definitely should consider that after 4 years now. It is annoying to always navigate to the preset or somewhere else. For a device which is such expensive (NAD M33) really one of the most negative points I face right now.
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