Problems with adding tracks to shuffle play on USB



8 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member


    Thank you for sharing your feedback. I'll pass this along to our quality assurance and development teams for consideration in future updates.

  • Andrew Kinsella

    I've noticed this too, but in my experience I think this is Bluesound's idea of a feature rather than a bug. It's not a minor annoyance in my mind, it's just a further deterioration of what was once a decent product. There's no workaround for it. Just tapping the song you want wipes out the queue.

  • Gerben

    +1 for "further deterioration of what was once a decent product"

    While I appreciate it is almost unavoidable for a bug to pop up here or there, there is zero excuse for not fixing them. The BluOS system has degraded into something that can only be used by applying various workarounds. Recent updates merely add more bugs, while the existing ones do not get resolved.

  • Andrew Kinsella

    We're not making a suggestion for future consideration, we want you to fix this chick cock up so you have some control over your play queue? How hard can it be?

  • Bradford Schmidt

    Yep, same problem (appeared with the last update). It was enjoyable and useful to be able to add one or more tracks immediately after the currently playing track (e.g., to A-B a different version of the song or more generally to create a specific listening experience in real time). Can't imagine this feature was removed on purpose, especially since the user interface says "Play Next" not "Add Randomly Somewhere in the Playlist."  Hope it's fixed soon. 

  • Alain DW

    I got hit by the same issue but noticed that switching off the shuffle on a shuffled playlist solves the problem.

    A workaround (another one!) could be: load and shuffle playlist, save as new playlist, unshuffle, reload new playlist and add tracks as needed.


  • Andrew Kinsella

    Any news on when this bug will be fixed. It kind of makes the system unusable.

  • Andrew Kinsella

    Hello? Still waiting for any news of a fix?


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