New Tidal Plan


1 Kommentar

  • Alex

    Very similar situation here. Just cancelled my Qobuz plan and went back to Tidal. I am not tired of Qobuz but I am tired and frustrated waiting for Qobuz to release Qobuz Connect. I realise it's something that's not a trivial task and requires coordination with equipment manufacturers but they've been at it for years now and it's still vapourware. Apparently they are still treating it as a priority. At this point I'll believe it when I see it. In the meantime I can't justify paying more for a service that has this major functional gap. With Tidal I can save AUD $7/month on an individual plan or I can treat the whole family for the same price of Qobuz individual plan (AUD $20/month).

    It kind of makes me sad though. I actually prefer Qobuz overall and I even like the Qobuz app more than the Tidal one. And then there's the Magazine, Club, option to purchase, etc. So I am hoping they will get their act together soon on Connect. And perhaps a slight pricing adjustment is in order given the new landscape. I'd pay a bit more for Qobuz but the current difference is quite substantial. $7 doesn't sound like much but it adds up over time.


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