Pb with TuneIN
BeantwortetTuneIn, the only radio aggregator available in France that broadcasts French radios, no longer streams the stations I listened to (Radio France's web radios). Are there other content aggregators available? Is it possible to broadcast a stream without going through a content aggregator (and to bookmark it)? TuneIn allows this, but an error has occurred since I performed the operation. Thank you for your response.
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Hi Daubresse
FIP and Radio France have decided to remove their content from TuneIn Radio. This was also unexpected to us here at Bluesound. Please this Help Centre Article for a current workaround using the Radio France App on your Tablet or Smartphone; https://support.bluos.net/hc/en-us/articles/22535367076887
Please follow this thread for news and updates as they become available...
Hello Tony and thank you for your response. I indeed recorded the internet stream as a custom station in the BluOS app, and it works, but since I recorded it, I get an error message when I go back to TuneIn favorites, and I can no longer access it; I get an error message ("can't access, please try again...") so I cannot bookmark the other radios. To be complete, I created the same stream twice (with a different name). The first recording did not appear but had still been created.
Have a good day.
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