Schedule sleep (including repeat schedule)



2 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Seppi Evans

    Hi Oscar, could you not add another alarm for 11pm with a volume level at either zero or a much lower level?

  • Oscar

    Thanks! That seems to work. Not very sleek if I were to manually put everything in standby and then it wakes the stack up via the 12v trigger at 11pm unless I disable the second alarm every time. The minimum alarm time seems to be 15mins too so the white light might annoy me since it’s in my bedroom and I do actually go to sleep on time sometimes.

    Also a lot of us use expensive amps where we’d rather tame our transistors than a neighbour, even if it were rather automated. I’m very happy though you gave me a way to avoid the human!

    Maybe it’s better if I do a remote Spotify connect with lowish volume for now, but the sleep schedule would be nicer!

    Thanks again for the suggestion!



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