Pulse 2 Red Blinking Light



4 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar

    According to Bluesound:

    "Flashing Red (Bluesound Powernode and Pulse only): The Player's amplifier is in protect mode and requires a shut down and restart to reset. Please check the limitations on the Speakers and disconnect the Player if you find that this is occurring frequently.

    Please contact support@bluesound.com if this persists past reboots."

  • Martin Benavidez

    I have the same issue, it went offline when it was playing. I disconnected everything and I tried several times to reset it. It seems to go thru the process of rebooting (red, green, red) but it gets back to the red blinking light. Any ideas? Is this related to the powersupply problems reported on other posts?

  • Martin Benavidez

    Thanks for the swift reply, Seppi. The device is offline so i can't use the app. I sent an email to Bluesound though. My device is a Powernode 2 (not Node) though

  • Martin Benavidez

    update to the community: it seems that the amplifer is broken. Bluesound recommends to contact the local dealer.


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