Problems connecting Nintendo Switch to Bluesound Node X via Bluetooth



7 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Yannick

    I would troubleshoot this with your gaming system if forgetting and resetting your BT pairing is causing issues. 

  • Thomas Veit

    Hallo, aptxhd funktioniert beim NodeX, noch, nicht. Wurde mir durch den Support und meinem Händler bestätigt. Einen zeitlichen Rahmen zum beheben des Fehlers konnte der Support nicht nennen.
    Vielleicht hängen Deine Probleme ebenfalls mit dem Fehler in der BT Ausgabe zusammen.
    Grüße Thomas


    Hello, aptxhd doesn't work on NodeX yet. Was confirmed to me by support and my dealer. Support was unable to give a time frame for fixing the error.
    Maybe your problems are also related to the error in the BT output.
    Greetings Thomas

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Thomas

    Not sure why your Delaer is saying that, it's not true. If you are having problems with your NODE X Bluetooth, please select Settings, Send Support Request in the App so our Support Crew may investigate further.

  • Thomas Veit

    Der Fehler wurde von mir schon zweimal beschrieben und die Datei hochgeladen.

    Antwort von Bluesound: Eric W. - Support Crew Member (Bluesound)
    Oct 6, 2023, 11:29 AM EDT

    Hello Thomas,

    Thank you for your patience.

    Your support request has been escalated to me.

    In this case, after running through an extensive test with our Node X I am able to replicate the issue you are experiencing.

    Therefore, I have forwarded a report along with your inputs to our Quality Assurance Team for further review, testing, and consideration in a future update.

    Please note that we here in technical support are not provided a timeline on future development and releases so I can not say for certain when this update will become available.

    That being said, I really do appreciate your feedback as we are always developing our Bluesound Players alongside our BluOS Controller App, continuing to expand on its features and deliver a more customized Hi-Fi listening experience.

    Thank you once again for your extended patience with us in advance.

    If you have any other questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let us know at

    We will be more than happy to help as usual!

    Take good care,
    BluOS Support Crew Analyst.

    Danach erst habe ich meinen Händler kontaktiert, und auch dieser konnte das Problem nachvollziehen!

    Grüße Thomas

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Thomas - feel free to reopen your request by replying to it for an update on your issue

  • Thomas Veit

    Hallo Tony, meine letzte Anfrage vom 9.01.24 inkl. Datei
    (#394057) wurde noch nicht bearbeitet. Bekomme immer nur Trost EMail.
    Ansonsten bin ich glücklich mit dem X.
    Vielleicht findest Du ja einen Weg?
    Grüße Thomas

  • Yannick

    For anyone else experiencing this exact trouble (Nintendo Switch to Bluesound), I have found that the solution is to buy a Genki Audio adapter. This allows for Bluetooth connectivity between the two devices. Hope this helps someone in the future.


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