Any way for surround speakers part of home cinema group and another group?



3 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    Multiple Speaker Groups is one of the most requested features in BluOS. Unfortunately, it is still being investigated and developed by our development team.

    If you have 2 POWERNODE - N330, then you can create a Home Theatre Group with these two Bluesound players. Your experience may vary as the speakers are in the ceiling and not really in the front and rear.

    To learn more about Home Theatre Grouping -

    Thanks for #LivingHiFi

  • Dan F

    Yes, I found the other threads afterwards.  Seems it's been being investigated for 5+yrs so likely not going to be available any time soon :-(

    My fronts are bookshefl speakers, it's the rears are in ceiling behind the seating area.  This is the one group I want to be able to use.  The other group I want to use is home theatre (ceiling speakers) rears with kitchen (ceiling speakers).

  • Lasse

    @Mark, is it currently beeing investigated, or developed? Theres a major difference between the 2.

    Not that I have any hopes for any of them


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